Are there fee's associated to business pages?

    Transparency in pricing is a core value at MPC, and we're committed to being upfront about our pricing structure for the Business Pages section of our platform. We want to clarify that, when it comes to creating, viewing, editing, or promoting a business page within MPC, there are absolutely no costs associated with these activities. It's our way of ensuring that all members have the opportunity to engage with business listings freely and without any financial barriers.

    However, we also recognize that some businesses may want to take their presence to the next level. That's why we offer a "Feature Business" option, which comes with a nominal cost of just 0.50 credits per day. This feature is designed to provide business owners with the opportunity to showcase their businesses more prominently throughout our entire platform.

    Here's why the "Feature Business" option can be beneficial:

    1. Enhanced Visibility: By featuring your business, you ensure that it gains the visibility it deserves. It's a way to draw more attention to your business, making it more visible to our vibrant community of collectors and enthusiasts.

    2. Effective Promotion: Featuring your business allows you to promote it effectively, increasing the likelihood of attracting a larger audience. Whether you're a collector looking to promote collectibles-related products or a business owner offering unique services, this feature supports your promotional efforts.

    3. Highlighting Importance: Some businesses hold special significance within our community, and you may want to ensure they stand out. By opting for the "Feature Business" feature, you're signaling the importance of your business within the MPC ecosystem.

    Now, in addition to the free business page listing, we also offer two upgrade options with enhanced features:

    1. Premium: With this upgrade, you gain the ability to send a verification request for added credibility. You can also enable features such as a "Contact Us" form, "Follow" functionality, "Check-In" capabilities, and the option to mark a business as a "Favorite." Pricing is 2 credits per month

    2. Premium Plus: This package includes all the features offered in the Premium package, plus the added capability to manage administrators for your business page. You can also respond to reviews, fostering engagement and interaction with your customers. Pricing is 4 credits per month

    Moreover, we offer the distinct advantage of full integration with auction items and marketplace products directly within your business page. When you link your business page to seller information in these areas, members will be able to view these listings directly from your business page. This seamless integration makes it easy to promote and represent your company's ambitions associated with collectibles.

    Our aim is to provide a range of options that cater to the diverse needs of businesses and business owners within our community. Whether you choose to feature your business or opt for one of our premium packages, we're here to empower your presence and success on the MPC platform, including the convenient integration of your auction items and marketplace products, enhancing your ability to showcase your company and its collectibles-related ambitions.

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